MPC Container Ships AS adds additional vessels to its fleet
Following up on the Company’s press release dated 22 May 2017, MPC Container Ships AS ("the Company") announced today that it has acquired and taken over the 2003 built sister ships Carpathia and Cordelia (2,824 TEU) on 31 May 2017. In addition, the acquisition of the 2003 built Mare Frio (1,200 TEU, to be renamed AS Fiona) has been finalized with expected takeover by end of June 2017.
Ahrenkiel Steamship is the technical manager of the former two vessels and Columbia Shipmanagement of the latter.
The Company’s investment for these vessels totals USD 11 million (excluding working capital requirements and docking cost), whereas the Company holds a 50% interest in Carpathia and Cordelia.
About MPC Container Ships AS
MPC Container Ships AS’ main activity is to own and operate a portfolio of container ships with a focus on the feeder segment between 1,000 and 3,000 TEU. The Company was formed in April 2017. It is registered and has its business office in Oslo, Norway. MPC Container Ships AS is registered on the NOTC-list (Oslo, Norway) as of 28 April 2017 with ticker code “MPCC”.
Further information and contact
MPC Container Ships AS
Managing Director
Constantin Baack
Email: [email protected]